Page name: <3~*~*~SPIKELOVERS~*~*~<3 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-07-28 15:34:26
Last author: CHACHA
Owner: DRACE
# of watchers: 1
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a friendship forms
15:13:03 ~*~*CHACHA IS BACK ON~*~: will now on you can help me then since we are going to be friends. why don't we just work on this together then. okay. i don't want to be a bitch all the time you know

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2007-05-20 [CHACHA]: <img:mood8-gif.gif> right. i guess i have to make a new one then.. this time its going to be a password and pictures on again.. even the words that i had on there

2007-05-20 [Mental Terrorist]: I wont, but hope she gets my point...and its spelled Corie...other wise ppl think i am a guy O.o

2007-05-20 [Mental Terrorist]: So do it. It isnt [DRACE]'s fault that you didnt protect it!

2007-05-20 [CHACHA]: look have you heard what i said.. when i got done making this wiki. i had about anything that i want on here but i was going to add more.. now i don't think you understand

2007-05-20 [DRACE]: wtf why the heck did you put it in my name again dammit >.< just cause you can't admit that you did it wrong and can't be atleast alittle greatful that someone took the time to help you, meh who cares, you are alittle skank anyways

2007-05-20 [shinobi14]: well, how long was it left for??

And ill remember that, Corie. ^__^


2007-05-20 [Mental Terrorist]: YaY! ^.^
Now as for this freaking about because it still isnt protected i go and delete everything, and put a password on it and you can back off and get over it

2007-05-20 [shinobi14]: well, normally, wikis are left editable for member pages (so people can add their name to it). But you shouldnt have really left it unprotected. =S

2007-05-20 [CHACHA]: yeah thz.. [shinobi14]

2007-05-20 [Mental Terrorist]: I have my own Wiki that I left unprotected because I want ppl to add things, but the ones I dont, I have is just that simple

2007-05-20 [shinobi14]: hehe.. ive just cloned this wiki... so you can all have a copy. ^__^

2007-05-20 [shinobi14]: Yeah, thats the normal way things run, Corie. Its just some people are more trustworthy than others with wiki pages. =/

2007-05-20 [CHACHA]: lol yeah yeah..

2007-05-20 [Mental Terrorist]: <img:shadN-gif.gif>I like the vibe you are makes it so i dont go off in a violent rampage about how stupid it is that she is blaming someone else for her own mistakes...then gets an attitude w/me about it...

2007-05-20 [Mental Terrorist]: So someone f's w/my stuff they know its comming, a whole whirl wind of terror and misery...but that is because ppl respect me, because I respect them
*its a 2 way street but I also know mistakes happen*

2007-05-20 [shinobi14]: Hehehe... thanks.

2007-05-20 [DRACE]: cha cha just alittle suggestion, make your new wiki into a forum and then only invite who you want to see it to it

2007-05-20 [CHACHA]: [Mental Terrorist] im not. i just wish he can just lev things along..

2007-05-20 [Mental Terrorist]: <img:dand-gif.gif>I'll do it!

2007-05-20 [Mental Terrorist]: Or just give it a password like everyone has told you! O.o there is an idea

2007-05-20 [CHACHA]: then you have to take this one off your page and i'll make new one then just delete it

2007-05-20 [Mental Terrorist]: <img:Br23-gif.gif>or give it a password.....

2007-05-20 [CHACHA]: sure you can gurl i'll give you the password that i wanted on this one. but you can't tell anyone. even you 2 boys

2007-05-20 [CHACHA]: im going to

2007-05-20 [Mental Terrorist]: I wish I could have a magic pony that flys and cleans up its own shit...but you know...shit happens!

2007-05-20 [CHACHA]: yep

2007-05-20 [Mental Terrorist]: so get over it and deal with it!

2007-05-20 [shinobi14]: Hahaha... so you're going to make thisd into a forum? Or are you just going to put a password on this one?

2007-05-20 [Mental Terrorist]: hey, I get an apology and I am gone

2007-05-20 [CHACHA]: why don't anyone just get some on here and i'll make new one now. this would be for anyone then i cause but it is made by me still.

2007-05-20 [shinobi14]: What for?? <img:sa-gif.gif>

2007-05-20 [CHACHA]: just for anyone that loves spike or that they are his fans. or whatever. cause im not fight about this anymore. i'll just move on.

2007-05-20 [Mental Terrorist]: He ment the apology, and I want her to apologize to [DRACE] for being rude when this is an open wiki


2007-05-20 [CHACHA]: drace why did you put a password on here.. this is my wiki. and yes i know i said this is for anyone. but why did you

2007-05-20 [DRACE]: because you put it into my name again

2007-05-20 [CHACHA]: i have not.. i was to buzy making new one like i said i was.

2007-05-20 [DRACE]: all I wanted to do is help you with the wiki, thats all I did from the start, but you had to be ungreatful and go off at me and push me and piss me the fuck off and yet you say sorry and think its all okay, yet you have not admitted you were wrong at all

2007-05-20 [DRACE]: heh well thats funny hun, considering the only way I could put a password on it is becaue you have put it in my name and it wasn't in my name when I started talking on here earlier

2007-05-20 [CHACHA]: [DRACE] i know buttom of my heart that i had work so hard on the wiki on friday nite. utnil dun, until then it was just one and 2 pictuers on here. and yes iam sorry for all that. but i just wish eveyone can just ask.

2007-05-20 [CHACHA]: will i have no clue how it did. but now it can be yours then i guess. cause i have made new one already. and now this time it has a password.

2007-05-20 [DRACE]: there was no fucking pictures on here except three that I added when I came on here and yet you have continuely accused me of deleting them when i did not

2007-05-20 [CHACHA]: will like i said its yours now you can do whatever you want.

2007-05-20 [DRACE]: mmhmmm, well there is no password on it now so meh oh wells, if you want it back, just say it and you can have it, all I wanted to do is add pics and help, thats all, if you said thanks, thats all that would have happend

2007-05-20 [CHACHA]: will now on you can help me then since we are going to be friends. why don't we just work on this together then. okay. i don't want to be a bitch all the time you know

2007-05-20 [shinobi14]: Ohhh my... god... THIS IS SO INMATURE!!! O_O

2007-05-20 [CHACHA]: yeah yeah *smack ya on the head* shhhh

2007-05-20 [shinobi14]: v.v sowwy. >.<

2007-05-20 [CHACHA]: you can help on here to hun

2007-05-20 [shinobi14]: no, im fine anyway. :)

Im... dare i say it? no Spike fan. I used to watch Buffy... but not for Mr Masters.

2007-05-20 [CHACHA]: okay.. yea..

2007-05-20 [shinobi14]: I just came in here to break up this little argument... now im off.

Goodbye citizens!! *flies off, cape flapping in the wind*

2007-05-20 [shinobi14]: There it is. You dont see that side of DRACE too often. ;)

2007-05-20 [DRACE]: yer well thats cause I have calmed down, I hate it, i can't stay angry for long no mores >.<

2007-05-20 [Mental Terrorist]: <img:mood5-gif.gif>Hey, [shinobi14] come to my wiki!!
Click Me
dont ask...

2007-05-20 [Mental Terrorist]: friendship my ass : in regards to last comment in wiki

2007-05-20 [DRACE]: I put taht friendship thing up there Corie, not her

2007-05-20 [DRACE]: my head feels like its been stomped by a horse

2007-05-20 [shinobi14]: Gah... check the Author thing on the right hand side...

And ok! =D

2007-05-20 [Mental Terrorist]: she tried sending me a realtion...

2007-05-20 [Mental Terrorist]: <img:sing.gif> "I WANNA ROCk!"

2007-05-20 [DRACE]: meh I caved, I haven't been able to stay mad for long and well its proberly why i have a head ache now >.< meh but I accepted the relation she sent me *smiles weakly and starts to wobble, then blacks out and falls to the ground with a great biiig thud*

2007-05-20 [Mental Terrorist]: *blows kiss to [DRACE]'s forhead* :( sowwy

2007-05-20 [shinobi14]: WHO ARE YOU TWO TALKING ABOUT???

2007-05-20 [Mental Terrorist]: I hae no ide...OMG! there is a bird outside!!!

2007-05-20 [DRACE]: we were talking about cha cha -.-

2007-05-20 [Mental Terrorist]: IM SERIOUS! THERE IS A BIRD OUT...O.o I owchies

2007-05-20 [DRACE]: i is tired, catch ya'll laterz, well soon anyways, I have something to do first

2007-05-24 [CHACHA]: awwwwwwwwww hey everyone. and yes people me and [DRACE] has become friends.. and [Mental Terrorist] why don't you sing on the friendship form huh so that we all can be friends

2007-05-24 [Mental Terrorist]: <img:mood20-gif.gif>you dont know me. i dont want to be your friend. I am content with the friends that I have!
Besides, the [Mental Terrorist] new friend position has been filled by the kind [shinobi14] Sorry you missed your chance

2007-05-24 [shinobi14]: Well... thanks! *hugs*

2007-05-24 [DRACE]: hmmm well thats alittle mean, meh oh wells, I'm worse

2007-05-24 [Mental Terrorist]: ...It is expect me to be kind and loving to every person that comes by??

2007-05-24 [DRACE]:

what party isn't complete without projectile vomiting


2007-05-24 [shinobi14]: That is sick, dick. Put it down. =/

2007-05-24 [Mental Terrorist]: i did that once...

2007-05-25 [DRACE]: heh look at the guy next to the vomit guy, he has vomit on his lips, there should be an after pic of when he relises he has that dudes vomit on his mouth area lol

2007-05-25 [shinobi14]: Damn.

2007-05-26 [DRACE]: <img:>

2007-05-26 [DRACE]: <img:>

2007-05-26 [DRACE]:

heh heh heh

2007-05-27 [shinobi14]: THATS the kind of stuff we want! =D They're great. XD

2007-05-28 [Mental Terrorist]: ....I did that! except it was the back seat of my dad's truck...

2007-05-28 [Mental Terrorist]: We broke up, and now we have a mustang instead of a Avalanche ^.^ we all know what happends to the dew time

2007-05-28 [shinobi14]: Yeah... so when are you going to Christen the Mustang, then? XD

...and ive never done it in a car before... ill have to try it. ^__^

2007-05-28 [Mental Terrorist]: no, we exchange the stang in 2 years when the new Cobra comes out ^.^

2007-05-28 [CHACHA]: awwww everyone is talking about getting druck and here i have been sick and would of being in the hosptial. cause i have been depress all day and week

2007-05-28 [Mental Terrorist]: <img:Br23-gif.gif>Riiiiiiiiiight...

2007-05-28 [CHACHA]: [Mental Terrorist] how would you know if i wouldn't being in the hosptial. or even depress..

2007-05-28 [Mental Terrorist]: everyone is depressed*
And who cares if you were??

Not me!

ANYWAYS! back to our conversation about being drunk**

2007-05-28 [CHACHA]: i shall. lol i would love to have a drink about now

2007-05-28 [shinobi14]: Getting drunk pwns!!

2007-05-28 [CHACHA]: oh yes

2007-05-29 [Mental Terrorist]: <img:shadN-gif.gif>I can spell.
I know what's going on.
I dont whine about every little thing so ppl are sad for me.

2007-05-29 [CHACHA]: okay

2007-05-29 [shinobi14]: HAHA!!! *covers face with hand, calms down, then removes it*

Corie... be nice. *he says, still smiling*

2007-05-29 [Mental Terrorist]: <img:mood20-gif.gif>did you just honestly tell me to be nice??
You and another thousand ppl wish
BUT I guess since its you, i will back off..
BTW i shot myself in the head...i went to the hospital, you should pay attention to me now because you feel bad for me ^.^

2007-05-29 [shinobi14]: No way!!! OMG!! Are you ok?? You shot yourself in the head??!! You poor soul!! Ill give you all my simpathy!!! (lol)

Ok... lets BOTH be nice now... =]

2007-05-29 [CHACHA]: awwwwwwwww

2007-05-30 [Mental Terrorist]: <img:Br23-gif.gif>right through the temples

2007-05-30 [shinobi14]: Its really amusing! =D

2007-05-30 [CHACHA]: okay

2007-05-30 [DRACE]: hmmm well this wiki has gone to the dogs and I mean that, well except for cha cha, the rest are dogs *can imagine already, what Corie will say to him* :P

2007-05-30 [bloody mary]: lol [DRACE] would you like to add some other things on here. and why im working on my other wikis

2007-05-30 [DRACE]: eh its upto you if you want to add something, its free to add things, I haven't much time left before I have to go and before anyone asks, I am on a net plan, only 5 hours a night, plus its 1:35am here and flipping cold, my toes are numb ;_;

2007-05-30 [CHACHA]: ;) oh you poor man. *throws you a blanket*

2007-05-31 [Mental Terrorist]: <img:br2N-gif.gif>Corie will say nothing.

2007-05-31 [CHACHA]: its not that way corie..

2007-05-31 [shinobi14]: DRACE is calling you a dog, Corie.... and she says nothing? WOO! Thats amazing!!!

Errrm... DRACE, you cant go around calling people dogs like that. Not when you're worse than us.

2007-05-31 [Mental Terrorist]: Maybe I could classify you as a cat...
Cats do what they want.
They rarely listen to you.
They're totally unpredictable.
When you want to play, they want to be alone.
When you want to be alone, they want to play.
They expect you to cater to their every whim.
They're moody.
They leave hair everywhere. (messy)

2007-05-31 [DRACE]: well that could be you as well Corie ~_~

2007-05-31 [shinobi14]: ... you two... *rolls eyes*

2007-05-31 [CHACHA]: yeah i know tell me about it. lol i have tryed to be nice, and here she just want to say words that makes me ahy, i just can't stand this anymore *cry on [shinobi14] arms*

2007-06-01 [Mental Terrorist]: get off Danny!
He is MY friend! I dont share!!!
No touching him or i will make things SOOO much worse!

2007-06-01 [CHACHA]: oh gurl what would you do.. i have been his friend since long time.. *puts my arms around danny never let go* see he is my friend. if you don't like it tough... [shinobi14] is a great friend and a lovely man.

2007-06-01 [Mental Terrorist]: Eh, we have been friends for a quick second. I am not going to fight a battle that I know I win.

You arent shit!! *oh, are**

2007-06-01 [CHACHA]: gurl don't even go there. *smack ya on the back* i have whole of friends on here and that is a family to me. pluz there is nothing that you can do about it between me.

2007-06-01 [Mental Terrorist]: <img:BR-GIF.gif>only pussies need family to back them.
Dont fucking touch me. I am not fond of anyone touching me.
I will break off your arm and shove it up your ass

2007-06-01 [DRACE]: meh i'm sick of deleting your fucking comments, please stop fighting on here

2007-06-01 [shinobi14]: You guys... >.<


2007-06-01 [shinobi14]: Ok, thats just talking silly. Killing yourself.... ¬¬

2007-06-01 [CHACHA]: oh hun you don't even know how i feel now.. she calling me names and then i get other woman saying that my fiance is hers. i just don't know what to do.. i won't realy kill myself don't worrie about that honey.. *hugs ya[shinobi14]*

2007-06-01 [Mental Terrorist]: hey...hey! [shinobi14] I have something behind dorr #1 and something else behind dorr #2...pick one!

2007-06-01 [Mental Terrorist]: <img:mood18-gif.gif>Fee-fi-fo-fum

2007-06-01 [CHACHA]: [Mental Terrorist] just give up.. dor#1 and 2 probly be nothing sides you have hime chose who is a true friend or who isn't. so i think you have to chose for yourself.

2007-06-01 [Mental Terrorist]: im not going to make him choose. that would be mean.
See unlike you, Danny has my respect.

He is kind and a great person.
I could give a fuck less about you.

[DRACE] i swear I am almost done >.<

2007-06-01 [CHACHA]: its about same here [DRACE] take a look at my diary hun. and [Mental Terrorist] whatever i have done to you i think you should say a word to me at all. cause everyone on here knows that iam nice and kind person. thts if someone doesn't get to my bad side.. *hugs drace*

2007-06-02 [shinobi14]: Errrrm.... door two? >.<

I dont like making decisions... i always let the other half decide. =]

Well? What is behind door 2?

2007-06-02 [Mental Terrorist]: ANYWAYS!
I will send you your prize in 1-2 hours.

2007-06-02 [shinobi14]: Good good. ^-^ YAY! I won something. XD

2007-06-03 [DRACE]: Coire if you are going to be a little bitch about me deleting the messages and take to heart cause someone else doesn't like the fact that you are making trouble on a wiki that isn't your own, maybe you should go back through the messages you have sent me and comments you have sent me on your wikis when you say I have been causing trouble, oh and while you are at it Corie, GROW THE FUCK UP

2007-06-03 [DRACE]: don't worry i will be off your wiki, but the fact that you continued to bitch, whine and cause trouble when i said to stop it, shows you realy haven't grown up any, nor do you have and respect for me, so how can you call yourself my friend hmmm?

2007-06-04 [Mental Terrorist]: <img:mood10_gif.gif>Grow up!?

2007-06-04 [DRACE]: you I had alot of respect for you once Corie, but you have double standards

2007-06-04 [bloody mary]: omg what the bloody hell is going on here. [Mental Terrorist] why don't you lev [DRACE] alone he is a friend and a nice man. so get out of this wiki or i'll make sure you do lev

2007-06-04 [Mental Terrorist]: [DRACE] is my friend. VERY complicated realtionship! ^.^
We may want to kill each other every so often but He is my friend and always will be. We have been through so much I couldnt ever stay mad at him.
I know it looks really bad on the outside. I am sorry.
I love [DRACE] to peices and I always will

2007-06-04 [DRACE]: heh I have to admit I have known MT for awhile, like since near the end of 2003 -.- thanks for the help [bloody mary] *hugs*

2007-06-04 [Mental Terrorist]: <img:mood9-gif.gif>

2007-06-04 [DRACE]: I'm sorry MT I loves you too *runs to you and cuddles tight* see see ;_;

2007-06-04 [Mental Terrorist]: *cuddling not helping much*

2007-06-04 [DRACE]: *stops and looks down at the floor* I am sorry, what do you want?

2007-06-04 [Mental Terrorist]: <img:d-sign.gif>A PONY!!

2007-06-04 [DRACE]: ... no

2007-06-04 [DRACE]: <img:>

2007-06-04 [bloody mary]: lol isn't that sweet.. [DRACE] if [Mental Terrorist] wants a pony why don't you give her one. lol i would just give a pony to my sisterlaw if i have to. but i don't have to.

2007-06-04 [shinobi14]: Yeah, give her the damm pony, DRACE. XD

2007-06-04 [DRACE]: heh cause all i have is $3 to my name and it takes 3 Australian dollars to make 1 American dollar >.<

2007-06-04 [bloody mary]: i c i c, lol

2007-06-04 [shinobi14]: Wow.... thats a weak currency. >.<

2007-06-04 [Mental Terrorist]: <img:mood21-gif.gif>but...but

2007-06-04 [DRACE]: its only a weak currency cause our dollar wsan'tbuilt up by drug running mate

2007-06-04 [shinobi14]: Ahhh... i think our currency is one of the strongest in the world! XD

2007-06-04 [Mental Terrorist]: *takes you dollar anyway*

2007-06-04 [bloody mary]: its okay

2007-06-04 [DRACE]: yer it is, but like I was saying, your currency isn't honestly made

2007-06-04 [Mental Terrorist]: I like Star...

2007-06-04 [shinobi14]: What do you mean, honestly made??! O_o

2007-06-04 [Mental Terrorist]: STOP

2007-06-05 [bloody mary]: what is going on here

2007-06-07 [DRACE]: Corie knows I am stirring you up shinobi

2007-06-07 [Mental Terrorist]: Corie knows alot!

2007-06-07 [DRACE]: HA Corie knows less then she claims

2007-06-07 [bloody mary]: ummmmmmmm okay.. will then i think im done here

2007-06-07 [Mental Terrorist]: sure I dont

2007-06-07 [shinobi14]: <img:mood10_gif.gif> And i know how much you like winding people up. ^__^

2007-06-07 [Mental Terrorist]: Me, or him?

2007-06-07 [shinobi14]: Him, you melon. =D

2007-06-07 [Mental Terrorist]: Melon...<img:BR-GIF.gif>

2007-06-07 [shinobi14]: Yeah, you're my melon. XD

2007-06-07 [Mental Terrorist]: ^.^ Melon!

2007-06-12 [DRACE]: heh I don't wind people up as much as I use to mate, Corie does it more then me and thats saying alot

okay this is like odd

2007-06-12 [Mental Terrorist]: <img:mood8-gif.gif>what are you trying to say?

2007-06-12 [DRACE]: that you have great legs :P

2007-06-12 [CHACHA]: MAN [DRACE] you sure make her mad lol

2007-06-12 [shinobi14]: Drace, a few things to say.

1) You REALLY dont wanna piss her off. XD Last thing you will ever do.

2) That image is too weird. >.<

3) Although I have a Jap/Chinese/Phillipinan fetish, keep it up. XD

2007-06-12 [CHACHA]: lol man

2007-06-13 [Mental Terrorist]: <img:BR-GIF.gif>Fear the innocent one...

2007-06-13 [DRACE]: Corie if you are innocent then I'm part Ox

heh that pic is from an X-rated movie, I was looking for Monsters of the DEEP pics and was put on there >.< oddly enough giant squid and most fish have slime like that, but someone on said it looks like woman jzz, that made me laugh

2007-06-13 [shinobi14]: *shakes head in pity, laughing*

2007-06-13 [CHACHA]: lalalalalala lol

2007-06-14 [Mental Terrorist]: I am too innocent!

2007-06-14 [shinobi14]: ...i wouldn't put it past DRACE to be part ox, actually. ^-^

2007-06-14 [Mental Terrorist]: So I am innocent!

2007-06-15 [shinobi14]: Maybe... but i doubt that very much. XD

Probably nervous at first, but the nerves faded. ^__^

2007-06-17 [DRACE]:

2007-06-17 [shinobi14]: Hehehe...

2007-06-17 [DRACE]: heh *grins*

2007-09-07 [DRACE]:  


this is




2007-09-07 [CHACHA]: yeah i know.

2007-09-09 [DRACE]:

mind you, there is only like 5 of us that speak on here anyways ~_~

2007-09-10 [CHACHA]: yeah i know

2008-03-26 [My Own Darc Nightmare]: Randomly found this, had to ask, anyone see the episode of Torchwood that had James Marsters in it?

2008-04-12 [bloody mary]: not sure my dear,,

2008-05-06 [DRACE]: think I did, oh wells

I forgot I had this wiki >.< I'm usaly on fake anyways >>>

here is my link:


2009-02-28 [DRACE]: YAY... a new person... lets all feed upon her... *grins, bearing his fangs & howling at the moon*

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